Creating Your Ideal Client Avatar

An Ideal Client Avatar (ICA) is a real or imagined (avatar) of the person you would LOVE to reach, connect with, work with, sell to, etc.

Knowing your ICA is VITAL for the success of your business (or practice).  I wish I knew this 10 years ago, I would’ve saved myself so much time, money and I would’ve skyrocketed my success so much faster!

If you have identified your ICA, you’re ahead of the game!  (and if you haven’t you can download my freebie below & start by answering some questions).

I’ve personally created a different ICA for each stage of my business depending on who I wanted to serve.

I want to make sure that you have… 

  • “Fine tuned” your ICA.
  • You don’t have multiple Ideal Client Avatars. 
  • You know your ICA’s pain points. 
  • You’re talking directly to your ICA in their language.
  • You’re connecting with your ICA. 

If you haven’t fine tuned your ICA because you’re too scared to leave anybody out….you don’t have a solid ideal client avatar. And…”If you’re talking to everybody, you’re talking to nobody.”  

(For the purpose of keeping this simple and clear – I’m going to use my avatar- which is a woman).

Having multiple ICAs (Ideal Client Avatars) is possible depending on your business, but usually if you have multiple avatars you’re probably struggling to connect with them. So suggestion…pick one and focus for now.  Get to know your ICA, really know her, so you know what she’s thinking, be in her mind, go into her heart and know her “pain points.” Walk in her shoes so you can really connect with her, know her, feel her, learn her struggles, and what hurts her the most so you know how you can SERVE her!

When you’re clear on your ICA, what her pain points are, what she needs, and how to talk directly to her, like she was your friend…you empathize…you truly connect.  You know you have this locked down when your ideal client can say, “Oh My God, it’s like you’re in my head! (FYI…That is the BEST feeling in the world-as a business owner).

Most importantly, if you’re not connecting with your ICA, you’re not forming relationships, you’re just coming across as “a used car salesman” … selling instead of showing up and serving. 

My friend, your ideal client has to “know, like and trust you” before they will buy from you.  

Imagine this…You go on a first date… What would you do if they said, let’s get married?…run for your life for one.  The same thing happens with your ICA… you have to date them first.

I hope this helps clarify some things for you, but more than that, I hope it inspires you to get to work!

When you do gain clarity, and have your ICA please share with me below!

I can’t wait to see what comes up for you!

XoXo Janessa